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I’m Going to Tell You the SECRET No One in the Fitness Industry Wants You to Hear….

Got your attention?


Now that I’ve gotten the theatrics out of the way, I really am going to tell you the “secret”. 

This applies to most, BUT NOT ALL, cases of people who are trying to lose weight, deal with medical issues, overall health, living longer, etc. Pretty much anything health related.


I managed to get myself into a debate on social media, which was unintentional and not meant to be disrespectful. But RESPECTFULLY, I completely disagreed with their stance that food and weight loss do not have an impact on health conditions. 

Health risks related to diet

Nutritional Deficiencies.

Is exercise important? Yes, it is. 

But you can be very active, eat terribly, and deal with all kinds of health issues. Or be active, but still overweight because of eating too much sugar, fat, salt, or too many calories overall, and have NO health issues (high blood pressure or cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, etc.). 

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it because I think it’s important….your health and wellness is UNIQUE and INDIVIDUAL to YOU! What works for me is not necessarily going to work for you, and vice versa. All bodies are different. And there is nothing wrong with that!

But the food you eat affects your health, all the way down to the cellular level. 

That’s why my focus for 2025 is going to be nutrition. Both Personally and Professionally.

I’m not here to demonize Twinkies, Pop-Tarts, or French Fries. But I’m going to tell you that you will get more nutritional value from air-frying or baking homemade Potato Wedges/Fries than from the French Fries at a fast-food restaurant or even from the freezer section of the grocery store.

And I get it….it’s HARD to feed yourself 24/7, 365. No one tells you that going into adulthood. It’s HARD to CONSTANTLY be working on healthy, nutritious foods day in and day out when those Pop Tarts are RIGHT THERE and so easy to just rip open the package.

But so is a banana. Or an apple. Or grapes.

Once again, I’m going to tell you the “secret”, and it’s not sexy or outrageous or anything else. If you can figure out correct portion sizes, cook at home more often than eating out (or bring healthy snacks with you), and use whole or minimally processed foods in 80%-90% of your daily/weekly meals, you WILL improve your health, lose weight, and possibly even halt or reverse CERTAIN medical conditions (heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis).

This is NOT a guarantee of being cured of diseases, or a guarantee of losing weight.

But Food as Medicine is gaining traction in the medical world, and because we live in a system that is designed to make unhealthy foods more appealing, easier to access, and are being marketed as “healthy”, it’s understandable that people are struggling.

So, that’s the “secret”. Eat healthier foods most of the time. Don’t think you have to eliminate ALL sugar, salt, fat, ultra-processed foods from your life. That would suck. Just cut back. Experiment with swaps and switches you can live with.

And give it time. A radical overhaul of your eating habits isn’t going to happen overnight. Start with the easiest thing you can and go from there. Maybe it’s focusing on portion control. Or if you’re on the go and don’t really have a choice, you get small fries instead of large, or skip them altogether. Grilled chicken sandwich instead of fried. Water instead of soda.

Then you make other small changes until you’re consistently making healthier choices.

It’s possible. Don’t give up.

And since it’s my birthday (at the time of this post), who wants FREE RECIPES???

There are 14 Healthy, Delicious Recipes here! I am especially obsessed with the Yogurt Parfaits with Homemade Granola! Check it out and ENJOY!


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